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“Single-Session Therapy. An introduction to principles and practise“

How to make the most of every single session

We explore some aspects together


Read all the testimonials from people who have trained with us in the SST Workshop section.


The very next day I began putting into practise some of the key points of SST in the course of ongoing “conventional” sessions, and I have to say that I noticed an im-provement in my subjective experience in terms of: - focus on the patient’s goal within the specific session; - more accurate restating of resources and engagement in therapy (which, I noticed, increases the feeling of partnership in the process); - and, most of all, improved results in terms of effectiveness, of systematic feedback during the session!! All this leads me to say I’m delighted to have acquired this new methodology and I’m very happy to continue sharing new developments in SST and my personal experiences!

Monica Leva - Psychologist and systemic relationship therapist

The latest news about Single-Session Therapy

Can Single Session Therapy also be a resource in training? Here is a useful example

With today’s article we observe a use of Single Session Therapy that goes beyond the best-known one applied in the clinical field. The SST , in fact, seems to represent an important resource also in the field of training .

It is well known that in the professional training courses of psychologists and psychotherapists the need to observe how work in the field is approached is essential, however in the majority of training experiences this aspect is not yet fully achieved.

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Single session behavioral therapy with the couple

The article we present today refers to research in which the effects of two alternative interventions carried out in single sessions of Couples Behavioral Therapy are explored , one focused on communication and the other on problem solving (Silva & Vandenberghe, 2007).

The objective of the article is to show how different types of intervention can make the SST meeting more effective in the specific area of ​​intervention with the couple.

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Single session therapy and Covid-19: the use of SST as a rapid response in emergency contexts

With today ‘s article we see how Single Session Therapy can be used in emergency contexts , focusing in particular on the global health emergency caused by the Coronavirus epidemic .

The attention to the topic arises from a proposal put forward by the scholar Dominikus David Biondi Situmorang , an assistant professor at the Department of Guidance and Counseling at Atma Jaya University in Indonesia, who suggested the introduction of TSS as “Rapid Counseling”. in the process of psychological care for people who have had COVID-19 and their family members (Situmorang, 2021).

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