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“Single-Session Therapy. An introduction to principles and practise“

How to make the most of every single session

We explore some aspects together


Read all the testimonials from people who have trained with us in the SST Workshop section.


The very next day I began putting into practise some of the key points of SST in the course of ongoing “conventional” sessions, and I have to say that I noticed an im-provement in my subjective experience in terms of: - focus on the patient’s goal within the specific session; - more accurate restating of resources and engagement in therapy (which, I noticed, increases the feeling of partnership in the process); - and, most of all, improved results in terms of effectiveness, of systematic feedback during the session!! All this leads me to say I’m delighted to have acquired this new methodology and I’m very happy to continue sharing new developments in SST and my personal experiences!

Monica Leva - Psychologist and systemic relationship therapist

The latest news about Single-Session Therapy

Single Session Clinical supervision

The aim of today’s article is to explore the scope of Single Session Supervision and the guidelines useful for carrying out this process of professional support defined by Pam Rycroft (2018), psychologist , family psychotherapist who works at the Bouverie Centre in Melbourne (Australia).

Clinical supervision , as we know, is a crucial component of a therapist’s journey from the moment they begin their training to the consolidation of their practice. Supervision conversations invite clinicians to reflect on their practice , promote the development of professional skills, and foster the achievement of positive outcomes for clients (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2014).

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What is the first competence to be acquired by the therapist who adopts the method of Single Session Therapy in his professional practice?

The aim of today’s article is to delve into one of the main skills that the Single Session Therapist must acquire when receiving training in the application of this intervention method.

In this regard, we follow some indications provided directly by Windy Dryden (2020) as a trainer of Single Session Therapy , who focuses attention on the importance of the therapist creating and maintaining a focus during the single session. 

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Single Session Therapy and the new challenges for global mental health

We open the year by addressing a fundamental theme for our profession of psychologists and psychotherapists , namely the situation regarding mental health and the intervention programs planned in the coming years.

Even before the pandemic, the data on mental health were not reassuring and the difficulties resulting from the pandemic wave have accentuated an already precarious picture both in terms of the increase in mental distress and with respect to the responses provided by the health systems .

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