Since last month the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy has launched the One Session which is the first access point without an appointment in Rome (and in the province), aimed at people who wish to receive psychological counseling from professionals trained in Single Session Therapy .
Often in the workshops on SST we are asked this question “But can Single Session Therapy be used for the treatment of serious psychopathological disorders?”
With today’s article we will try to answer this question by presenting the Single Session Therapy model for psychiatric emergency applied in the Psychiatric Denver Health Medical Center , in particular in the Psychiatric Emergency Services of the Department of Behavioral Health in Denver in Colorado .
As already mentioned in the previous article the Italian Center for Single Session therapy was born mainly with the aim of training psychologists and psychotherapists in the method of Single Session Therapy and more generally with the intention of providing tools of innovative intervention close to people’s requests.
The objective of today’s article will, in fact, be to illustrate the new world trends in terms of needs , costs and interventions in the field of mental health and the professional challenges that the psychologist will have to face, finally answering the precise question that many psychologists in these years have placed us during the workshops , namely “Why become a single session therapist?”
Imagine that you are a Walk-In therapist offering a Single Session Therapy service without an appointment . Surely you will find yourself faced with the possibility of welcoming people who will turn to you for advice, expecting to solve their problem or achieve their goal in the shortest possible time.
At this point it will be of fundamental importance to set up the interview in such a way that the psychologist and the client can immediately make the most of the time available to them.
The aim of this article, therefore, will be to focus on the way to introduce Single Session Therapy and to maximize the counseling session from the very first moment .
The Canadian-Texan Model is represented by the work of Arnold Slive and Monte Bobele : the first launched the Eastside Family Center in Calgary (Canada), integrating the logic of TSS into a walk-in service , and the second created a similar service at Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio (Texas), after a meeting with Slive.
How does Single Session Therapy work with couples?
Some time ago we translated an article by Martin Soderquist , director of a counseling center for couples in Sweden and author of a chapter on the subject in the book Single-session therapy by walk-in or appointment (Hoyt et al. , 2018).
The very interesting article presented the project and research data collected by the group headed by Soderquist .
The topic is very interesting, because it shows a very useful declination of TSS: work with couples, in fact. In particular, then, it shows how a counseling center for couples can organize itself around the idea of Single Session Therapy – and how this is greatly appreciated.
So we decided to have a chat with Soderquist , interviewing him to ask him to tell us more about his experience. The result is an interesting interview of about twenty minutes , which we propose below.
Good vision!
Flavio Cannistrà Psychologist, Psychotherapist Founder of the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy
How to attract patients with Single Session Therapy
In this article we will see how to attract patients to your office or to the facility that hosts us through the use of TSS.
For many therapists, especially beginners, clinical activity can be difficult , to the point of not guaranteeing sufficient income for their economic subsistence. Not infrequently the psychotherapist (even an expert) is “forced” to integrate with other activities, sometimes quite distant from the area in question.
As awareness of gender diversity increases, the number of children and adolescents presenting to gender variance services in Australia and overseas increases (Chen et al., 2016; Wren et al., 2016), with a consequent increase in waiting times to access the necessary assessment for medical transition paths (hormonal and / or surgical therapy).
Innovative approaches are needed to reduce waiting times, enable timely clinical support and provide education to patients and their families.
In this article we present a service created in Australia by the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation that deals with the intervention of people with gambling addiction problems .
The goal is to find out how the Single Session Therapy method is applied in the context of counseling services for people with gambling problems and in particular for their families, offered by the foundation in collaboration with the Bouverie Center.