
Post emergency Covid-19 and SST: psychodrugs or psychotherapy, what will be the future of mental health services?

With today’s article we want to once again deal with health services and the growing need for adequate responses in the field of mental health and psychological well-being .

To discuss the topic we will refer to a recent articlPsychopandemic and risks of pharmacological abuse: what answers? by David Lazzari, President of the Council of the Order of Psychologists (CNOP) recently published on Huffpost, which in addition to highlighting the increase in psychological distress following the pandemic in all age groups, highlights how among the main forms of help adopted to intervene mainly involve the use of psychotropic drugs .  



Let’s see what the effects of the pandemic are after a year?

The following data was reported in the article:

Compared to the data reported by the WHO before the pandemic according to which 17 million Italians were already suffering from psychological disorders (Kastel, 2019), today this discomfort has increased significantly in the form of anxious, depressive or mixed disorders .


The highest incidence is found in risk groups such as: veterans from intensive care affected by Covid-19, physically ill people who have not benefited from treatment due to fear of contagion or access limitations, people who have lost a relative, caregiver or relatives of people with illnesses or disabilities, people with greater or previous psychological fragility, healthcare workers.


Another worrying fact concerns young people, children and adolescents . In a survey by the CNOP Study Center (15.01.21) it emerged that 47% of parents with children between 3 and 14 years have emotional problems, in another survey carried out on children negative psychological states were highlighted in 62% of cases. Among adolescents, 6 out of 10 say they feel stressed and one in three would like psychological support (Unicef ​​20.11.20).



With respect to the increase in psychological distress, which treatments are most used?

According to some official data from the AIFA (Italian Medicines Agency) and the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) show a significant

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What will be the future of Single Session Therapy?

This article is inspired by an interview conducted by W. Dryden with M. Hoyt in 2018 , Toward the future of single-session therapy: An interview , in which the two authors questioned the future of single-session therapy . At that time, the pandemic scenario that occurred shortly thereafter was certainly not imagined, but have the ideas on how SST could evolve changed that much?


Since Moshe Talmon ‘s 1990 book, Single-Session Therapy: Maximizing the Effects of the First (and Often Only) Therapeutic Encounter , SST has received a lot of attention. Thanks to the first work conducted by M. Hoyt , R. Rosenbaum and M. Talmon it was possible to discover how many people find a single session useful and sufficient for a series of problems. Since then, SST has been translated into many languages, and numerous scholars (Hoyt, Bobele, Slive, Young, & Talmon, 2018; Hoyt & Talmon, 2014) have confirmed that one session may be, for many clients, all they need. need.


 Let’s see in more detail what developments have taken place since that moment?

After 1990:

first development concerned the recognition of the fact that the highest frequency of psychotherapy sessions is 1 . Before Talmon’s book there were only sporadic testimonies on the implementation of single interventions. Thanks to in-depth literature research and the implementation of quantitative studies on the use of SST, it has been demonstrated that a single session is the most common duration of a treatment.

second development occurred with the carrying out of research which documented the effectiveness of single session therapies (Hoyt & Talmon, 2014).

third development concerned the fact that there is not just one way of doing SST, but the method can be applied with different models (solution-centered, cognitive-behavioral, MRI, narrative, psychodynamic).

fourth development was that relating to the recognition of SST as an intervention method rather than as a particular theoretical approach (Slive & Bobele 2011, 2018). SST, in fact, focuses on the way in which the therapist can help the client in that encounter, considered as complete in itself.

Another development concerned international awareness of SST.



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Guest speaker at the symposium: Jeff Young

In today’s article we introduce you to Jeff Young, another international expert in Single Session Therapy in the world who will participate in the IV Symposium on SST which this year will be held on 10, 11 and 12 November in Italy , in Rome and which has contributed to its diffusion throughout the world. 

It is also thanks to Jeff Young that the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy will hold the IV Symposium on SST in Europe .

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guest speaker at the symposium: Moshe Talmon

In today’s article we present to you the last of the three pioneers of Single Session Therapy who will participate in the IV Symposium on SST which this year will be held on 10, 11 and 12 November in Italy , in Rome , Moshe Talmon . 

Moshe Talmon, Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania ’82) initiated a series of studies at Kaiser Permanente Medical Group on patients who failed to show up for their second appointment after their first therapy session. Later, together with Michael Hoyt and Robert Rosenbaum , he began a study of 60 attempts at scheduled single-session therapy with patients who had required lengthy therapy.

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guest speaker at the symposium: Michael Hoyt

In today’s article and in the next articles we will introduce you to all the Single Session Therapy experts in the world who will participate in the IV Symposium on SST which this year will be held on 10, 11 and 12 November in Italy , in Rome .  


First of all we present Michael F. Hoyt , pioneer together with Moshe Talmon and Robert Rosenbaum of Single Session Therapy .

The Italian Center for Single Session Therapy , in the figure of Flavio Cannistrà ( co-founder together with Federico Piccirili of the Italian Center for Single Session Therapy ), has collaborated with him for the drafting of books and scientific articles on SST , also MF Hoyt as a trainer he participated in various workshops on SST, held in Italy by ICSST starting from 2016.

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Guest Speaker at the Symposium: Flavio Cannistrà

In today’s article we present Flavio Cannistrà an expert on Brief Therapies and founder together with Federico Piccirilli of the first center for research and training on Single Session Therapy (Italian Center for Single Session Therapy) in Italy, as well as director of the 4th Symposium on SST to be held this year on November 10, 11 and 12 in Rome, Italy.

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Guest Speaker at the Symposium: Federico Piccirilli

In today’s article we introduce Federico Piccirilli an expert on Brief Therapies and founder together with Flavio Cannistrà of the first center for research and training on Single Session Therapy (Italian Center for Single Session Therapy) in Italy, who promoted the realization of the 4th Symposium on SST to be held this year on November 10, 11 and 12 in Rome, Italy.

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