
Post emergency Covid-19 and single session therapy the psychological impact of quarantine and phase 2

The coronavirus emergency is about to turn to the so-called Phase 2 or to that moment of easing of social restriction measures, which will lead to taking the first timid steps towards the much desired freedom.

Before moving on to imagining the near future of Phase 2, let’s see what the psychological effects of quarantine and how to reduce (Brooks et al., 2020) are according to a scientific article published in The Lancet magazine and social .

The goal of today’s article will be to identify the possible issues people will need to manage and how psychologists can prepare to intervene.

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Post-emergency Covid-19 and single-session therapy, post-disaster intervention proposals

If in the previous article we explored the theme of emergency and how Single Session Therapy adapts to psychological first aid models,  today we will focus on the consequences that a tragic event such as the Pandemic can determine on a psychological and access to mental health services.

Furthermore, through the description of a clinical case in which the TSS method was applied with a woman involved in the 2010 Haiti earthquake , we will see how TSS can be concretely used in post-disaster intervention (Guthrie, 2016) .

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Single-session group therapy: the employed for person PEP program for addiction treatment

In today ‘s article we will focus on an innovative model of brief group therapy based on the work of psychiatrist Irvine Yalom (1983) , included in the Program Employed for Persons (PEP ) for patients with addiction problems, carried out at Eagleville Hospital ( Pennsylvania) , a hospital facility that offers different levels of assistance ranging from acute psychiatric hospitalization to specialized residential addiction treatment (Weiner, 1987).

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Breaking obsessions with single-session therapy: A case of cognitive therapy and religious faith

Let’s resume 2020 with a new cycle of articles that will allow us to always be updated and to discover how the Single Session Therapy method can be applied in different ways and areas of intervention.

What is today’s article about?

Through the description of a clinical case we will illustrate how a serious symptom such as that of obsessive thoughts can be interrupted through a single meeting of cognitive therapy associated with religious faith (Gangdev, 1998). Leggi tutto

The Help That Doesn’t Help: From Resistance to Rapid Change with David Burns’ CBT Team Techniques

2019 is coming to an end and with it the path we have traced through our blog on Single Session Therapy . 

In this year we have focused on some specific topics that have ranged from how to implement TSS in Walk-In Services or psychological first aid to the approaches with which to integrate it, sharing theoretical insights, case studies and practical experiences from around the world.

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Live news from Ohio University

With today’s article we return to talk about the Walk-In and Single Session Therapy services and we do it, sharing almost in real time a news related to the birth of a new quick access and no-appointment service at the University of Ohio , aimed at students in crisis who request psychological support .

The news reported in the online magazine The Newpolitical on 6 December 2019 by journalist Emily Crebs speaks of the current situation of unease detected among the young population of students of the University and what response the latter has decided to provide.

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When one therapy meeting is enough: the famous case of Sally and the single-session emotional freedom techniques EFT

In today ‘s article we report the description of a surprising clinical case described by the researcher and writer Dawson Church with the aim of illustrating how Single Session Therapy combined with a specific technique , in this case EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) , can constitute a single and effective intervention for the treatment of complex and often disabling problems such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) .

The case presented in Capturing the moment: single session therapy and walk-in services (2014) , a book written and edited by psychologists M. Hoyt and M. Talmon , represents in fact one of the most interesting contributions to the theoretical and practical study of single session therapy.

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Single-session therapy and walk-in services: a history of successful interventions

Is it possible to ensure immediate access and timely intervention in mental health?

With this week’s article we will see how this is already possible in some parts of the world, particularly in Canada where immediate access to mental health services represents an ongoing challenge. Recall that Walk-In Therapy combined with Single Session Therapy (SSWI)  is a service delivery model that improves access to care and ensures that people can get service when they need it most .

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